My Writing
Published General Articles
Bakers and mentors help a MOSAIC scholar change her life.
ASBMB Today. May 2024. Link here.
A series of happy accidents guided this MOSAIC scholar.
ASBMB Today. Feb 2024. Link here.
From the Journals: MCP.
ASBMB Today. Feb 2024. Link here.
Understanding the cause of childhood Alzheimer's
ASBMB Today. Nov 2023. Link here.
Ask SciMoms: Why did CDC mask recommendations change again?
SciMoms. August 2021. Link here.
We need to make scientific papers understandable for nonscientists
ASBMB Today. June 2021. Link here.
So, you’ve been asked to talk to the public: lessons from COVID-19 news coverage
Genes to Genomes. May 2021. Link here.
Making Science More Understandable
ecrLIFE. April 2021. Link here.
Viewpoint: Understanding the Science
MDI Islander. April 2021. Link here.
How to talk to family and friends about COVID-19 vaccines
Genes to Genomes, April 2021. Link here.
Navigating Fake News as a Scientist
ecrLife, October 2020. Link here.
Scientists are still learning about COVID-19, so recommendations will change.
Bangor Daily, September 2020. Link here.
The chaos of parenting and doing science during a pandemic
Genes to Genomes Blog, Genetics Society of America
April 2020. Link here
Welcoming Children to TAGC 2020
Genes to Genomes Blog, Genetics Society of America
October 2019. Link here
Research Related Articles
Please note: Some of my early work is published under my maiden name of Elisabeth Adkins.
Marnik EA, Almeida MV, Cipriani PG, Chung G, Caspani E, et al. The Caenorhabditis elegans TDRD5/7-like protein, LOTR-1, interacts with the helicase ZNFX-1 to balance epigenetic signals in the germline. PLOS Genetics. 2022 18(6). PMID: 35657999. Link here.
Marnik EA, Bautista C, Drongowska-Way A, Simopoulos C and Merritt T. CRISPR: A New Way for Scientists to Edit DNA. Frontiers for Young Minds. October 2021. Link here.
Marnik EA, Fuqua HJ, Sharp CS, Rochester JD, Xu EL, Holbrook SE & Updike DL. Germline maintenance through the multifaceted activities of GLH/Vasa in Caenorhabditis elegans P granules. Genetics. 2019; 213(3). PMID: 31506335. PDF link here.
Marnik EA, Updike DL. Membraneless organelles: P granules in Caenorhabditis elegans. Traffic. 2019 Jun; 20(6):373-379. PMID: 30924287. Link here.
Marnik EA, Wang X, Sproule TJ, Park G, Christianson GC, Lane-Reticker SK, Jane S, Carter GW, Morse HC & Roopenian DC. Precocious Interleukin 21 Expression by CD4 T cells of Naïve Mice Identifies a Novel Stage of T Follicular Helper Cell Development in Autoimmune Disease. Cell Reports. 2017; 21(1). PMID: 28978474. Link here.
Jain S., Chen J., Nicolae A., Wang H., Shin DM., Adkins EB., Sproule TJ., Leeth CM., Sakai T., Kovalchuk AL., Raffeid M., Ward JM., Rehg JE., Waldmann TA., Jaffe ES., Roopenian DC., Morse HC 3rd. IL-21 Driven Neoplasms in SJL Mice Mimic Some Key Features of Human Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma. American Journal of Pathology. 2015. 185(11) PMID: 26363366. Link here.
Roopenian DC, Adkins EB, Park G, Morse HC, Carter GW. Modeling the stochastic behavior of lupus. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2014. 16(Suppl 1):A6 PMCID: PMC4179595. Link here.
Sproule TJ, Bubier JA, Grandi FC, Sun VC, Philip VM, McPhee GG, Adkins EB, Sundberg JP, Roopenian DC. 2014. Molecular Identification of Collagen 17a1 As a major genetic modifier of Laminin Gamma 2 mutation-induced junctional epidermolysis bullosa in mice. PLOS Genetics. 2014; 2:13. PMCID: 24550734. Link here.
Ramirez F, Feliciano AM, Adkins EB, Child KM, Radden LA 2nd, Salas A, Vila-Santana N, Horák JM, Hughes SR, Spacek DV, King TR. The juvenile alopecia mutation (jal) maps to mouse Chromosome 2, and is an allele of GATA binding protein 3 (Gata3). BMC Genetics. 2013; 9;14:40. PMCID: PMC3656803. Link here.
Radden LA 2nd, Child KM, Adkins EB, Spacek DV, Feliciano AM, King TR. The wooly mutation (wly) on mouse chromosome 11 is associated with a genetic defect in Fam83g. BMC Research Notes. 2013; 9; 6:189. PMCID: PMC3663780. Link here.